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Chief of WhoWeAre Tribe Calls NotWhoWeAre “Garbage.”

Chief of WhoWeAre Tribe Calls NotWhoWeAre “Garbage.”

Posted by Ed Folsom, October 30, 2024.

Votolatino/Handout via Reuters

Last night, the increasingly demented chief of the WhoWeAre tribe stepped on the “Unity” message of his tribe’s would-be replacement chief when he referred to the NotWhoWeAre supporters of Donald Trump as “garbage.” Multiple loyal WhoWeAre tribal members in the media immediately went into full spin mode, denying that their tribal chief said what he said. But here’s what he said:

Just the other day, a speaker at his [Trump’s] rally called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage. Well, let me tell you something, I don’t—I don’t know, the Puerto Rican that I know, the Puerto Rico where I’m fr—in my home state of Delaware. They’re good, decent, honorable people. The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it’s un-American. It’s totally contrary to everything we’ve done, everything we’ve been.

Watch the incriminating part here, in a clip from Anderson Cooper’s show on CNN that makes it clear Anderson Cooper and his guest fully understood Biden’s words. But, oh no! Biden would never call Trump supporters “garbage,” the tribe’s dutiful narrative-weavers tell us. That’s just not who the WhoWeAre are.

Just because:

Just because all that happened doesn’t mean that the chief of the WhoWeAre tribe would ever call Trump supporters “garbage.” Sure, WhoWeAre tribespersons have called them “deplorables,” “threats to democracy,” “extremists” that threaten the “very foundations of our democracy,” “fascists,” and “Nazis.” That’s one thing. But “garbage?” Never! Come on Man — Unity!

The kind of unity that the WhoWeAre tribe has in mind is the kind of unity that comes when NotWhoWeAres no longer exist in the public square, because the ones who have not been eliminated no longer dare to be “divisive” by publicly deviating from the WhoWeAre party line. Oh sure, you’d be allowed to disagree as long as it isn’t on a matter of significance, or as long as your disagreements are your own little secrets with yourself. Back in 2020, when Kamala Harris was all down with Defund the Police, I tried to tell you: The progressivist WhoWeAre’s don’t want to defund all the police. They intend have their own police. And to the NotWhoWeAre, the WhoWeAre police will seem a lot like Stasi. Which brings me to the topic of WhoKamalaAre.


Over the weekend, I saw a political ad produced for an organization called, Make America Healthy Again (MAHA). It deals with Kamala’s program, when she was the D.A. in San Fransisco and later when she was the Attorney General of California, of arresting and prosecuting parents for the truancy of their children. As a former prosecutor myself — although never in a capacity higher than what Kamala refers to as “a lowly deputy D.A.” — I find Kamala’s expressions of glee over her role in the parental prosecution program entirely disturbing. Check out her gleeful self-satisfaction for yourself in the MAHA political ad, here.

The MAHA ad includes film footage from a speech that Harris gave while on the presidential campaign trail in New Hampshire, in September of 2019. In it, she tells a story about starting her career as a deputy district attorney in the Alameda County, California, D.A.’s Office. She begins by attempting to tie her work in that role to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren and the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision, pointing out that Warren once ran the Alameda County D.A.’s Office. Then, she says the following about the power she had, to turn people’s lives upside down “with the swipe of my pen:”

But that’s where I started my career, in the Alameda County D.A.’s Office. And, um, I learned. I think I was, I don’t know, 22 when I started that work? [In fact, it was June of 1990, and she was 4 months shy of 26]. I learned that with the swipe of my pen I could charge someone with the lowest level offense, and because of the swipe of my pen that person could be arrested, they could sit in jail for at least 48 hours. They could lose time from work and their family, maybe they could lose their job. They’d have to come out of their own pocket to hire a lawyer. They’d lose standing in their community. All because, of the swipe of my pen. Weeks later I could dismiss the charges, but their life would forever be changed. So, I learned at a very young age, the power… the POWER…to impact real human beings that we have when we hold these offices. And I was just a lowly deputy D.A.

Yet we have a person in the White House, who holds the office of President of the United States, who does not fully, or even partially, understand what it means to have power. Let’s be clear about that. He goes around swingin’ what he thinks is his power. He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand what it means to be powerful. Because when you truly understand what it means to be powerful, you understand that the greatest measure of your strength is not who you beat down. It’s who you lift up. It’s who you lift up. So this is the nature and the character of the guy we’ve had, we have in the White House. And then of course he came into office on a campaign that was about Make America Great Again…

Part of this footage circulated earlier this year on social media. The left-leaning “fact check” site, Snopes, dutifully placed it in “context” as Harris’s critiquing Donald Trump and not as an expression of her desire to wreck anyone’s life with the swipe of her pen.

The video of Harris’s entire speech at the 2019 New Hampshire event is linked here, from C-Span. The part about working at the Alameda County D.A.’s Office starts at 17:20. As a critique of Donald Trump, Harris’s observations about her early fascination with the power to turn people’s lives upside down with the swipe of her pen is a non sequitur. Was she suggesting that she knew more about power than the man who had at that point been the President of the United States for more than 2 1/2 years, because she had a history as a California prosecutor? In the context of what Harris did in her later years as a prosecutor, with her parental-prosecution-for-truancy-of-children program, Harris’s fascination with the power of her “lowly deputy D.A.” pen-swipe is downright frightening.

What was Kamala doing when she had parents arrested and prosecuted for their children’s truancy? Was she lifting them up, not beating them down? Or was she instead charging them with a low-level offense, having them arrested, maybe held for 48 hours, causing them to lose time from their work and their family, maybe lose their jobs, causing them to pay for a lawyer out of their pockets, making them lose standing in their community, forever changing their lives, all with the swipe of her pen? Now that’s power.

Kamala Harris long ago learned to send out her biggest, scariest prosecutors and police to make examples of ordinary people, to frighten ordinary people into complying with whatever she wants complied with. She couldn’t appear happier about the sense of power that it brings.

That, folks, is just WhoKamalaAre – disturbed, disturbing.