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So Much They Said Was Scientific Truth Was Just Plain Untrue.

So Much They Said Was Scientific Truth Was Just Plain Untrue.

Posted by Ed Folsom, July 12, 2022.

Remember when people were fired from their jobs because they didn’t take the COVID “jabs?” Remember that the rationale was that COVID-19 is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and that the unvaccinated were putting everyone else at risk because: (1) You wouldn’t get COVID if you got vaccinated, and (2) therefore the vaccinated wouldn’t spread COVID to others, and (3) therefore the unvaccinated were solely responsible for the pandemic continuing and were killing people with their “freedom?” Remember when children were at great risk from COVID, so we had to shut down all the schools? And when we reopened the schools, we had to make the kids wear masks all day long?

Well, it just plain wasn’t true.

How about the kids?

A total of 272,121 COVID-19 cases and 2,462 deaths with COVID-19 are recorded in Maine through 7/12/22:

  •  25% of the cases (68,171) are recorded in people under age 20, while only 0.016% of deaths with COVID-19 (4) are recorded in this age group.
  • 18.67% of the cases (50,821) are recorded in those age 60 and older, while 87.16% of deaths (2,146) are recorded in this age group.
  • 68.7% of the cases (186,973) are recorded in people under age 50, while only 4.75% of deaths (117) are recorded in this age group.
  •  95.24% of the deaths (2,345) have been recorded in people age 50 and older.
  •  Only 2.6% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 from March 12, 2020 through July 4, 2022 were under age 25 (138 of 5,230).

Source:  Maine CDC’s COVID-19 data site


How about that “pandemic of the unvaccinated thing? 

As of July 12, 2022, Maine’s COVID-19 vaccination dashboard shows that 74.64% of Maine’s population has received a final vaccine dose.

The Maine CDC’s most recent update of “breakthrough” cases among those who have received a final vaccine dose runs through July 4, 2022.  In the past 4 months, from February 28 through July 4, 2022:

  •  Breakthrough cases have been 75.63% of all recorded COVID-19 cases (33,441 of 44,213).
  •  Breakthrough hospitalizations have been 71% of all recorded hospitalizations with COVID-19 (585 of 823)
  •  Breakthrough deaths have been 73.8% of all recorded deaths with COVID-19 (234 of 317).

Source:  Maine CDC’s COVID-19 data site, Maine’s COVID-19 dashboard.


How about death fallout from COVID-19 policy?

On the drug overdose deaths front, it looks like pandemic policy exacerbated the problem. According to the Maine Drug Data Hub:

Drug overdose deaths jumped markedly after fentanyl came on the scene in large quantities several years ago.  But numbers have increased sharply since 2019. For the year 2019, Maine recorded 380 overdose deaths compared to 505 in 2020 and 627 in 2021. That’s a 65% increase from 2019 to 2022! Through May of this year, Maine has so far recorded another 266 overdose deaths. Altogether, from the beginning of April 2020 through May of 2022, Maine recorded 1,271 drug overdose deaths. Those 1,271 deaths represent 51.6% of the number of all deaths with COVID-19 recorded in Maine from the beginning of the pandemic through July 12, 2022 (2,462). And the drug overdose deaths are all “from,” not “with.”

Nobody was allowed to take such things into consideration back when skeptics of lockdowns, travel bans and business closures were told to shut up and sit down, because “All lives are precious.” Imagine shutting down critical public discourse with a slogan that’s more appropriate for a Hallmark greeting card.