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Maine Breakthrough COVID Deaths Hit 50% Week of 10/9 – 10/15.

Maine Breakthrough COVID Deaths Hit 50% Week of 10/9 – 10/15.

Posted by Edmund R. Folsom

October 17, 2021

Last week, 48.4% of new COVID-19 hospitalizations in Maine were breakthrough hospitalizations among the fully vaccinated, and 50% of new COVID-19 deaths were breakthrough deaths.  This represents an increase over the previous week, such that between October 1 and October 15 breakthrough hospitalizations were 45.32% of all COVID-19 hospitalizations and breakthrough deaths were 41.1% of all deaths with COVID-19 in Maine.  Who else have you seen mention this?

I started tracking these numbers beginning with the breakthrough case information posted by Maine’s CDC as of October 1.  At that point, they reported 1,135 total COVID-19 hospitalizations, 329 deaths with COVID-19, 164 breakthrough hospitalizations, and 51 breakthrough deaths, “since [the] first date that Maine residents could be fully vaccinated.”  Breakthrough hospitalizations were 14.4% of total COVID-19 hospitalizations, and breakthrough deaths were 15.5% of total deaths with COVID-19, “since [the] first date that Maine residents could be fully vaccinated.”

As of October 8, those numbers were up to 1,210 total COVID-19 hospitalizations, 373 deaths with COVID-19, 196 breakthrough hospitalizations, and 67 breakthrough deaths “since [the] first date that Maine residents could be fully vaccinated.”  Between 10/1 and 10/8, breakthrough hospitalizations represented 42.66% of new hospitalizations with COVID-19 (32 of 75) and breakthrough deaths represented 36.36% of new deaths with COVID-19 (16 of 44).  Breakthrough hospitalizations rose from 14.4% to 16.9% of total COVID -19 hospitalizations, and breakthrough deaths rose from 15.5% to 17.9% of total deaths with COVID-19, “since [the] first date that Maine residents could be fully vaccinated.”

As of October 15, the numbers are up to 1,274 total COVID-19 hospitalizations, 397 deaths with COVID-19, 227 breakthrough hospitalizations, and 79 breakthrough deaths with COVID-19 “since [the] first date that Maine residents could be fully vaccinated.”

Between October 8 and October 15, breakthrough hospitalizations represented 48.4% of total new COVID-19 hospitalizations (31 of 64) and breakthrough deaths represented 50% of total new COVID-19 deaths (12 of 24).  This raises breakthrough hospitalizations to 17.8% of total COVID-19 hospitalizations, and breakthrough deaths to 19.89% of all deaths with COVID-19, “since [the] first date that Maine residents could be fully vaccinated.”

For the 2-week period from October 1 to October 15, breakthrough hospitalizations represent 45.32% of all COVID-19 hospitalizations (63 of 139) and breakthrough deaths represent 41.1% of all COVID-19 deaths (28 of 68).

Do you see the trend?

According to John Hopkins’ vaccination progress data, Maine is currently the third most fully vaccinated state in the U.S. at 69.59%, behind only Vermont (73.64%) and Hawaii (69.65%). Having reached the point where nearly 70% of our population is fully vaccinated yet 45.32% of new weekly COVID-19 hospitalizations and 41.1% of new weekly COVID-19 deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated population over the past 2 weeks, just how much of an advantage against serious infection and death are COVID-19 vaccines providing to the vaccinated?

By my calculation, over the past 2 weeks an unvaccinated person in Maine was about 2.77 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 and about 3.34 times more likely to die with COVID-19 than a vaccinated person. That’s a long way from the results of the CDC’s Los Angeles County study, approvingly cited by Maine CDC Director Nirav Shah as recently as a few weeks ago, showing that the unvaccinated were 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than the vaccinated between May 1 and July 25, 2021.

Obviously, the unvaccinated are getting COVID-19 and are therefore spreading the SARS CoV-2 virus to others, vaccinated and unvaccinated, in very significant numbers.  With all due apologies to the legions of revisionist historians among us in public health, the administration and the press, this is nowhere near what we were told a few months ago.  It was only July 23 when President Biden told us if we got vaccinated we would not get COVID-19, and declared that we are in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”  From these false premises was launched the nationwide vaccine mandate campaign, as if that didn’t involve removal of the nose to spite the face.

Pandemic of the unvaccinated…?  I think not. The force of government and law should be more judiciously applied.

Disclaimer: The above is not legal advice, or advice of any kind.  It is for informational purposes only.